Air pollution is very harmful to human body. At present, air pollution is increasing in all countries of the world including our country. Air pollution has various causes.
Air pollution can make people suffer from various problems and can cause various diseases in the human body. Air pollution is a very complex problem. We will publish a paragraph on air pollution here today.
Also, we will publish paragraph on air pollution for class 9 and paragraph on air pollution for class 12 or HSC students here. Air pollution is caused by various reasons.
For example, air pollution is caused by various types of harmful fumes. Also, the stench emitted from the wastes of the factories, along with the doa or emissions from various industries pollutes the air.
One of the causes of air pollution is vehicle exhaust. Nowadays there are many vehicles in our country that emit smoke or gas. And they mix with the air and become harmful substances.
Which has a harmful effect on the human respiratory system. People also get diseases like cancer. Currently, the amount of air pollution is increasing in the world.
And as a result of this air pollution the climate is changing a lot. As a result of air pollution, many people in our country are suffering from various diseases. Especially the risk of heart disease is increasing.
In addition, air pollution is causing millions of deaths worldwide every year. Harmful substances mix with the air and enter the human body by breathing from the smoke
released into the air due to the burning of fossil fuels. There are many vehicles in our country that run on different types of fuel including diesel and petrol.
And all these vehicles are buses, trucks, motorbikes, cars etc. They emit toxic gases, resulting in air pollution. And to solve all these problems or to prevent air pollution, we all have to take different steps.
In order to give students an idea of what causes air pollution or the harmful effects of air pollution, paragraphs or paragraphs about air pollution are taught in different classes or in different classes of tests.
Air pollution is very serious. It is dangerous for humans. Because people take oxygen from the air and various types of harmful substances in the air enter the human body with this oxygen.
It damages various parts of the human body. For those of you who are studying in Class IX and are going to read a paragraph on air pollution equivalent to class IX,
here we have published a paragraph on air pollution for class IX students. In the HSC examination conducted by the board for the 12th class students of our country, there are many times a paragraph about air pollution.
On our website, we published a paragraph pdf for HSC students on air pollution. You can view that PDF from our website and from there you can write your own paragraph on air pollution.