(ডাউনলোড) Army Job Circular 2025 [Published Today] form www.army.mil.bd

Bangladesh Army has released a recruitment notification for a soldier post in 2022. If you want to apply according to that recruitment circular, you have to complete the application between 10 December 2022

and 31 January 2022. As per the said circular, recruitment will be done as general soldier and technical trade soldier. If you want to be recruited as a common soldier you have to pass Madhyamik

and your age should be between 17 to 20 years. If you want to get appointed in technical train then your age should be between 17 to 21 years and you should pass SSC Vocational.

Also a minimum GPA of 3.00 should be obtained in both the subjects. Otherwise you cannot apply. In this case physical height should be 5 feet 6 inches for boys and 5 feet 4 inches for women.

Also the chest size should be 30 inches 32 inches for boys and 28 inches 30 inches for women. Also the weight should be minimum 50 kg in case of boys and minimum 47 kg in case of women.

Read this post carefully if you want to get recruitment in Bangladesh Army or soldier post in Bangladesh Army. Because we will discuss all the application rules in detail in this post today.

Bangladesh Army recruits two or three times every year as soldiers. If you want to join Bangladesh army as a soldier then your minimum educational qualification should be Madhyamik or SSC pass.

Otherwise, you cannot apply. Also, you need to be able to fit in height, weight and build. Also if you have physical defects you cannot apply or if you apply you will be left out in the next selection.

To apply for army you have to face final medical exam including physical exam, written exam, practical exam and viba. If you are selected or recruited as a soldier in the Bangladesh Army,

you must first complete basic military training for 36 weeks. After that basic military training you can join army ranks directly. If you want to apply for soldier post in Bangladesh

Download: Army Job Circular 2025

Army then you can apply from below website. The website link is https://joinbangladesharmy.army.mil.bd/ you can apply from this website. In this case you have to deposit 200 taka

as application fee which you can deposit through Teletalk SIM. You will also get a user ID and password. Later you will be able to know various updated information including admit card

by logging in with user id and password. That’s why you need to save the user ID and password. To get Bangladesh Soldier Job Notification 2025 in PDF file format, check out other posts on our website.

All job notifications are published in pdf file format on our website. You can download it if you want. Keep an eye on our website if you want to know the latest information about the job notification first.

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