BGB Job Circular 2024 PDF Download form

The full form of BGB is Border Guard Bangladesh. The main task of BGB is to protect the security of the border area of Bangladesh. Also to control the movement of people of other countries with Bangladesh.

Border Guard members are recruited in Bangladesh every year. You can apply if you want to be recruited as a soldier member of the Border Guard. Recruitment is released every year.

This year was no exception. This year, the age limit for border guard constable recruitment is 18 to 23 years. Also, both men and women should have 6 out of 6 vision.

Height should be 5 feet 6 inches for males and 5 feet 2 inches for females. Moreover, chest size should be 30 inches 32 inches for men and 28 inches 30 inches minimum for women.

Basically it is calculated how much the body height will be in relation to the height. Boys should have a minimum weight of 50 kg and women should have a minimum weight of 47 kg.

Do you want to apply to Bangladesh Border Guard? If the answer is yes then this post is for you. If you read this post carefully, you will know the detailed information about Border Guard Application.

If you want to apply for Bangladesh Border Guard then you must pass Higher Secondary or HSC as minimum qualification. Otherwise, you cannot apply.

Moreover, if you want to apply for the said post, you have to complete the application between 26th May and 4th June. You cannot apply without that time.

Moreover, in case of application, you have to apply through Teletalk SIM. In this case your mobile should have a minimum balance of 160 rupees. In this case 150 rupees will be deducted as application fee.

Application Rules are BGB<space>HSC Board Keyword<space>HSC Roll<space>HSC Passing Year<space>SSC Board Keyword<space>SSC Roll<space>SSC

Pass Year<space>Home District Code<space>Upazilla Name Write and send to 16222 number. If you want to know more detailed information about this, enter your website.

Download: BGB Job Circular 2024

The website is basically the official website of Bangladesh Border Guard. If you want to get the pdf file of Bangladesh Border Guard job circular, keep an eye on our website.

A post in this regard has been published on our website. You can download it if you want. Also check other posts on our website to get regularly updated information about various job notifications.

If you want to apply as a civilian to Bangladesh Border Guard then you can do that too. Recently Bangladesh Border Guard has published a notification for the recruitment of several manpower.

If you want to know details about civil recruitment circular then keep an eye on our website or visit the above website to know more details.

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