Do you know what is BMET card and what is done with BMET card? If you don’t know. Then come to our website. Through this website I will discuss detailed information about BMET card and how to get it.
I will tell all that information through this post. This is usually the first and mandatory step for workers interested in going abroad. After successful registration in official BMET
database user will get a BMET registration card. Here is a BMET identification number and all the details of the registered person. So friends let’s have a look. How do you get this card?
Table of Contents
BMET Smart Card Download
At present, the economic status of Bangladesh is largely dependent on remittances abroad. Every year about lakhs of workers go abroad to work. There are many precedents of selling everything
in the house and going to work abroad in the hands of brokers. It affects the people as well as the economy of Bangladesh. It affects people as well as affects our economy.
So now everyone wants to work outside the country legally. So of course those who want to leave the country legally. They must have a smart BMET card. Now you may have a question.
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What is BMET and what can be done with BMET card? So friends, let’s know more details about these. Full form of BMET is given on our website. It is an institution of Ministry of Expatriate Welfare.
The Bengali name of BMET means Bureau of Manpower Employment and Statistics. If any worker or person from Bangladesh wants to go abroad legally.
However, he has to take permission from the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training and then go. And this will get permission. He will receive training and certificate with fingerprint.
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It was established in 1976 by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as an abbreviated department of the then Ministry of Energy Development and Social Welfare
Download: BMET Smart Card
to meet the country’s manpower requirements and with certain specific objectives for manpower and export. This process was developed in harmony with ILO Conventions 87, 88, 96 and 97.
So those of you who want to know and download about BMET Card. You can download it on our website. The main objective of the government to form the BMA was to protect migrant workers from brokers.
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Then you can go abroad legally at low cost. What is done with what card in BMET job? It is given below. The processing of foreign claims for employment of Bangladeshi workers is usually
done in countries that have more benefits. All those who wish to travel abroad. Mandatory data entry registration of their information online. To get this service you have to apply in the prescribed
form in favor of Director General of Manpower. For which payment of Tk 200 should be made through Bkash Sure Cash Cash or Rocket. Later you can get bmet registration card.