Guide books play a vital role in improving a student’s outcome. The benefits of the guide book are more. Super suggestions, super tips, ethical questions etc. are added on each topic. Which makes it easier for students to read. Can find the answer to any question. In this case time is saved.
As a result, students can memorize more and more questions. However, if you follow the guidebook along with the textbook, it is easy to get good results in the exam. Nowadays most of the students feel comfortable reading guide books on mobile.
So in today’s post, the links of different guides on the subject of chemistry in the science department have been shared. So that students can collect guide books on mobile.
class 9 chemistry lecture guide pdf
To get good results in any test, it is important to solve the additional questions in the guide book. Science students are terrified of chemistry. Many do not understand how questions can come up, how to get higher marks if answered.
The answers to all these questions can be found in the guide. Because important information is analyzed in the guide book, Super Suggestions, Super Tips, Creative Q&A, Multiple Choice Q&A are discussed in detail on each topic.
The questions and answers of the guide are given in such a way that all the students can master it easily. Practicing additional questions in the guidebook increases efficiency. Guide books play an important role for many students who do not have a home tutor.
panjeree chemistry guide for class 9-10 pdf
Chemistry is an important subject for science students. The Class 9 chemistry book has several chapters. Such as: structure of matter, state of matter, periodic table, concept of mole and chemical calculation, chemical bonding, acid-base equilibrium, chemistry in our life etc.
Download: Class 9 Chemistry Guide Book
Many important creative questions are asked at the end of these chapters. It is necessary for the students to solve these. There is also the possibility of common reading of the exam if additional creative solutions are given to these chapters.
This requires a guidebook. Class 9 Lectures and Panjeri Guides for Chemistry occupy a prominent place. These two guides have additional creative questions and multiple choice questions which help the students to get good results in the exams. Below are the links of the lecture and Panjeri guide.