Comilla University Admission Information, Unit Based Subject and Number of Seats is the only information you can get from our website. A reliable source on our website for you.
Through this registration, I am trying to inform you about the number of seats related to Comilla University. Read the registration from beginning to end. Comilla University has a total of three units.
A unit is for students of science department, B unit is for humanities faculty and social science faculty, c-unit is faculty of business studies. Then the friends read from beginning to end without delay and requested to know the unit based seats of Comilla University.
comilla university a unit subject list 2024
The unit at Comilla University is the Faculty of Science and Engineering. This section covers the subjects of Information and Communication Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics and Pharmacy. The total number of this unit is 350.
However, only these nine science students can participate in the admission test. In this case, there are no seats for humanities and business education. For this 50 computers in Information and Communication Technology
There are 50 seats in Science, 50 in Mathematics, 50 in Physics, 50 in Chemistry, 50 in Statistics and 40 in Pharmacy. Then friends, through this article, I have informed you about the number of seats in the unit. I hope you have no more problems.
comilla university b unit subject list
You can get the subject list of B unit of Comilla University from our website. Comilla University B Unit is the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences. The total number of seats under this faculty is 450. And the humanities department has separate seats for students in the business education and science departments.
Science students have more seats in B unit than humanities students. There are more students from other departments who want to change departments.
Wants to study from science or from business branch or from faculty of arts and humanities. This subject is very popular for them. Then friends, through this article, I have informed you about the subject list of Comilla University B Unit. Hopefully you won’t have any more problems.
comilla university c unit subject list
I am trying to give you the admission information of C unit of Comilla University through this registration. The C unit is called the Faculty of Business Studies. There are 240 seats under this faculty. Science students and humanities and business science students can take the unit test.
However, in comparison, the students of Commerce Department get priority in getting seats in the unit. In the case of the Faculty of Commerce, the students of the Commerce Department are getting seats in four subjects out of fifty.
Then the number of seats in all the units of Comilla University is 1040. Then friends, I have given you all the information through this registration. I hope you don’t have any more problems.