The result of degree admission test has been published. So if you want, you can easily download the results of the first merit list of 2024 academic year from our website.
Result of Degree First Year Admission Test under National University will be released on 23rd December 2024. You have been given a notice in this regard
on 19 December 2024. Since the degree first merit list results have been released today. So many students are trying to download their admission test results.
Table of Contents
nu degree admission result 2024
If you are looking for a degree admission result, I would say that you are in the right place. Here we have published the results in the form of pictures and PDF files.
To download your admission test results, you must go to the applicant login option and click on the degree pass login link. Next you need to login with your roll number and PIN.
As the result of your admission test has been published on our website. So you should not delay, now we can download the results of this admission test from here.
Degree 1st Merit List result 2024
Students who will be selected in the first merit list are requested for admission between 23rd December 2024 to 3rd January 2024.
See: Degree 1st Merit List result 2024
The results of the degree first year admission test have been published on the website after 4 pm today. So download your results now without delay from here.
For your convenience, the results of the degree first year admission test are published in picture and pdf format. You can download this result in any format you want.
how to check degree admission result
Many students do not know the exact rules of downloading the first merit list result of degree admission test. So you can download your results now by following our instructions.
Download: Degree Admission Result 2024
For your convenience, we have provided the link to download the results of the degree admission test. So now you can download your result by clicking on the link below.
The official website for downloading admission test results is now down. So you can download your results using our website as an alternative.
degree admission 1st merit list result
Since the first merit list result of degree admission has been published on our website. So we should download this result from here without delay.