(Check) DOF Admit Card 2025 Download by dof.teletalk.com.bd

Department of Fishery wants to recruit manpower for their various vacancies. For which they published a job circular on their official website this year. This notification is a very good opportunity

for those of you who are searching for government jobs. Because the education rate is much higher than the employment rate in our country. Due to which it is very difficult to get a government job.

This post is for those of you who want to apply for Fisheries Department Vacancies. We will tell you how you can apply for job in DOF i.e. Department of Finance.

Also let you know how you can check the result from their teletalk website. If you want to apply for a job in that department, you must first see if you have the qualifications to apply

for the position you are applying for. If yes then you can apply. Department of Finance published the recruitment notification on their official website for the posts of Pump Operator,

Office Assistant, Security Guard, Accountant. If you want to apply for the post of Accountant then you must have graduation degree from any university.

And Department of Fisheries will appoint 9 manpower as their Accountant. 101 posts of office assistants, 23 posts of security guards and 19 posts of pump operators will be recruited.

Those of you who have applied for the said posts in 2025, the admit card will be released in a few days. After publishing your admit card you will be informed to download the admit card.

And then you can visit their official teletalk website and download the admit card. In that case, you will need user id and password. If you want to apply for the jobs in the recruitment

circular published by Department of Finance then you have to visit this website www.dof.teletalk.com.bd. And you can apply for all these posts from 24th March 2025 to 23rd April 2025.

Download: DOF Admit Card 2025

And to apply you have to enter the website and click on the application page. Then write your name, your parents name and all your permanent and temporary addresses and attach your photo

and signature copy. Then you have to click on submit button. After submission you have to deposit the application fee through Teletalk Prepaid SMS. If you have participated in various recruitment

exams of Fisheries Department and want to check the exam results then you can check the recruitment results from Teletalk website related to their application. Because they publish the exam results on their website.

And how many posts we have published on our website about this rule how you can see the result on the website? If you want, you can read all the other posts on our website about that rule.

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