GP Internet Balance Check Code 2025 (how to check gp internet balance in modem by sms)

Do you want to check Grameenphone internet balance? Then today’s article is going to be very important for you. I will show you through this post. How to check grameenphone internet balance

If you are using Grameenphone internet. May need to know about checking minutes of course. You can check Grameenphone internet balance. This is either through the My GP app or by dialing the USSD code.

But if you want to check grameenphone megabyte by dialing USSD code. Then you need to dial some code. So friends let’s see the methods to check grameenphone minute balance

and other internet balance. Through this post I will discuss before you about the method of checking internet balance of Grameenphone. Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end.

To Check Internet Balance Dial *121*1*4# or *3# Later you will get a confirmation SMS on your account and on your SIM. After dialing this code a SMS will be sent to your mobile within few seconds.

How to check internet balance. No service charge to be paid. If you want, you can check the remaining minute balance of Grameenphone through My GP app.

For that you need to download My GP app from Google Play Store. Later you can check the remaining internet balance of your SIM after logging in with the number there.

Today we will show you through this post. How to Check Grameenphone Internet Balance No matter which package you activate. Of course you may need to check minute balance

and Grameenphone internet balance. If you want to check GP Internet balance then dial *121*1*2# and you can find GP Internet from below table.

GP Internet Balance Check Code

*121*1*4# to know all the balance check codes and service names. Grameenphone’s remaining internet balance can be checked by dialing this code. I hope you understand.

Everyone comes to the internet and wants to know. How to Check Grameenphone Internet Balance via SMS That’s why you have to do something. Quickly open the dial pad of your mobile.

Then dial 121*1*4# or 121*1*2# after that you will receive a confirmation SMS on your phone or you can download myGP app from google play store.

Check grameenphone internet balance easily by dialing usd code. This balance is easy to check. To check balance via USSD balance dial this code *121*1*4# or *121*1*2#.

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