What is dialogue? What is dialogue? It can be assumed that dialogue is basically a dialogue between drama films and stage dramas. But in the case of exams, how do you write dialogues or dialogues?
Suppose two friends are talking about a topic. These conversations are conveyed to another reader through dialogue. In this case, being able to indirectly convey
to a friend how a friend is addressing another friend is part of the dialogue. Today we will tell you through this post how to eradicate illiteracy from Bangladesh.
Conversation of two friends about him. Suppose the BCS return exam shows how illiteracy can be eradicated from Bangladesh. Conversation between two friends about that.
How do you explain and manage this with the test moderator? You must highlight some topics to eradicate illiteracy from Bangladesh. In this case, reduction of birth
rate and reduction of death rate etc. should be highlighted. In addition, the need to increase the value of GDP growth can be highlighted.
Also, primary education is compulsory and how many. That student is passing elementary. And whether that number of students are passing the secondary exams or not,
those issues and statistics can be highlighted. It shows that your dialogue or dialogue can be more informative by highlighting these issues.
And may seem acceptable to an examiner. Today we will tell you through this post how to write exam dialogue. Competitive exams are asked to write a dialogue on this topic.
A lot has been seen so you must be aware of this. What is needed to eradicate illiteracy from Bangladesh? It has to be thought. Primary education should be made compulsory
in every district, upazila and union level. Students need to keep in mind that they go to school regularly. In this case, it is necessary to make arrangements to teach the students in a pleasant way.
So that they do not have to study hard. In this case, a compulsory education system has to be introduced. Then illiteracy can be removed from this Bangladesh.
Research education should be introduced in higher education. At present, it is seen that students are getting higher degree through memorization tests.
But in the future it could be a threat to the human race. Research and technical education should be imparted among the students. Besides, the government should pay attention
to their jobs and self-development. This is how illiteracy can be eradicated from a country. You can summarize these topics very nicely and fluently.
Today we will share all the information through this post. I hope you like it too. Read the article carefully from beginning to end. If you want to get any more information, please visit our website.