Those of you who want to download Admit Card for Assistant Manager, Junior Officer MCQ Exam of Life Insurance Corporation. Visit our website.
Through this website I am going to show you how to download the admit card of various recruitment circulars of Jeevan Bima Corporation. I will discuss the details about that.
Hope you like it very much. Jeevan Bima Corporation Examination Assistant Manager, Junior Officer, Higher Division Assistant Office Assistant Computer Typing and Office Assistant will be recruited.
A total of 551 people will be recruited against five posts. It is in this context that you who applied. released the admit card for their mcq exam. You can download admit card using user id and password.
Those of you who want to download Jeevan Bima Corporation Admit Card. Visit our website. I will show you through this website. How do you download it?
Of course those candidates can download admit card after application form. Those of you who have applied for the post. After applying you must have got a user ID.
You can download this admit card through computer or internet in very short time by using user ID. Through this post I have been able to give you detailed information.
And if you want to get any information. Visit our website to find out. Are you searching the internet for Life Insurance Corporation Recruitment Circular? Come to our website.
Through this website, I will discuss detailed information about this in front of you. Jeevan Bima Corporation published circular against 59 vacant seats for the post of Assistant Manager.
You must have applied between 1st April 2024 and 22nd May. You must have received this user ID after applying. You can download the admit card online using that user ID. Admit Card 2024
Many times you want to know how to view life insurance corporation recruitment notification. You can visit our website. You need to know about the application eligibility.
A first class standing degree or a second class post graduate degree with honors from a recognized university. However, degree holders in Honors, Mathematics, Statistics,
Business Administration and Commerce will be given preference. A four-year Mehdi Honors degree will count as a Master’s degree level with three-year Hons.
You can complete the application process by visiting this website And you can download admit card through this website. You can check the result by using the user id password id you have to download.