(দেখুন) Korean Lottery Result 2025 PDF [Published Today] boesl result pdf

Do you want to know Korea Lottery Result 2025? If you want to know about this then this post is for you. We will discuss Korean Lottery Results today in our post.

We will also discuss in this post how to apply for Karian Lottery. Stay tuned to this post for more details. Boesel published a circular of the South Korean lottery on their official website.

And according to the circular, many people of our country want to apply to go to South Korea. South Korea takes many workers from Bangladesh to their country every year.

For this every year many labor force apply to work in South Korea. Boesel published a circular of the South Korean Lottery and the application period was from August 29 to August 31, 2022.

Those of you who applied for the South Korean Lottery by this date will be released the results of the first phase of the test on September 4. You can check the results of the test

by entering the official website of Boesel on this date. Because there will be a result list of all the passed and pending candidates. After clearing the preliminary exam you have to prepare for the final stage.

The South Korean government recruits workers from 16 countries each year. For which they give lotteries. And the circular Bocell of this lottery publishes on their official website.

If you want to apply for South Korea Lottery then you have to meet certain eligibility and conditions to apply. For example, you must have a valid passport and you must have passed SSC.

Also, you must be proficient in Korean and cannot apply if you have been jailed or sentenced for any criminal case. Also, you must check if there is any mismatch of name

Download: Korean Lottery Result 2025

or any other information in your passport, NID. If there are discrepancies, you must correct them before publishing the circular. Otherwise, if you apply, your application will be initially rejected.

If you want to apply for the Korean Lottery, you must first pay 500 taka to Boesel Development. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the application portal.

To apply first you need to login to Boesl website eps.boesl.gov.bd. Then you have to fill the captcha box by entering your password number and transaction ID there.

Then click next button to provide some more information including your date of birth, passport issue and passport expiry date. Then you have to select the job and click on submit button.

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