You are already aware that Rajshahi University Admission Test is going to start from 4th October. Dhaka University Admission Test will be held on 1st October. Rajshahi University examination will be held on 4th October.
Today we will mention all the information related to Rajshahi University admission in the form of categories through this article. There was a request to read the article carefully from beginning to end. Today we are discussing the question bank of B unit of Rajshahi University.
Before that, you need to know what subjects are in Rajshahi University B Unit. Once you know these, you can search the question bank of your choice. I have mentioned the question banks of B unit in front of you in the form of categories.
Joykoly Rajshahi University B Unit Question Bank PDF
The B Unit of Rajshahi University has Department of Accounting, Department of Management, Department of Management Studies, Department of Marketing, Department of Finance Banking and Insurance, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Institute of Business Administration.
These are popular and important subjects. Today we will mention to you the question bank of different subjects included in different faculties through this article.
In addition, we will mention the English subject question bank for admission to the Institute of Business Administration IBA. Therefore, it was requested to read the article from the beginning to the end and look at the question bank on all subjects.
rajshahi university b unit admission question 2018-19
Today we are presenting to you the question bank of B unit of Rajshahi University. You must know what subjects are in Rajshahi University B Unit. If you do not know, you can find out from our website.
Today I will publish a question bank on English, usage organization and management, accounting, ICT, Bengali, English general mathematics, general knowledge and ICT through this article.
You must know that Rajshahi University admission test will be in MCQ system. So today we have arranged a question bank in the form of mcq for you. So I hope you will not have any problem. Let us know if there is any problem.