If you want to get the blessings of Sehri and Iftar. Then come to our website. Today we will discuss in detail about the prayers of Sehri and Iftar of the month of Ramadan through this post.
Of course, you have to make the intention of fasting. The wait for the month of Ramadan is coming to an end for the devout Muslims. Because Ramadan is a very important month.
Most worship can be done in this month. Therefore, the month of Ramadan is very important for everyone and the month of worship. In order to fast in the month of Ramadan,
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Sehri Dua Bangla
it is necessary to know the intention of fasting and the prayers of Iftar. You can see the appointment of the month of Ramadan from our website. Want to get the blessings of Sehri and Iftar?
Then come to our website. In other words, before we do anything or anything, we have a desire. He is called Niyat. In order to make an intention, one has to make intention by uttering it orally.
There is no such obligation. Especially Islamic activities such as Salat and fasting, which are recited with special intention, even if not uttered orally.
sehri niyat bangla
But if someone utters it, it will not be his sin. Therefore, before fasting in the month of Ramadan, that is, after completing the sehri meal, every devotee recites the intention of fasting in order to fast.
Download: Sehri Niyat Bangla
Roger’s intention may be that you are reading in your mind in Bengali or in Arabic. However, there is no obligation to make the intention of rosary by uttering it clearly.
Many people want to know English sehri and doa. Iftar prayer is a very important prayer. Because the worshipers wait for Iftar all day long by eating
sehri khawar dua bangla
and drinking according to the instructions of Allah the Almighty. And before this iftar, that is, before the call to prayer of Maghrib prayers, if any Muslim expresses his desire.
Download: Sehri Dua Bangla
Then the great God granted their wish. Today we have appeared on our website with English prayers through this post. You can see these prayers in English from our site.
The most important thing in the month of Ramadan is to do sehri and iftar. When Muslims fast all day to get the pleasure of Allah in a tired body.
sehri dua arabic, english
And abstains from all kinds of food and drink until the command of Allah. God is pleased. Many of you wanted to know about Sehri Iftar.
One of the prayers before Iftar is the time of prayer. Therefore, every Muslim should recite Doa before Iftar and express his prayers to Allah. And for that we have brought among you the intention
of fasting and the prayer of Iftar. Let’s not know the intention of Ramadan and Iftar prayers with Arabic and Bengali pronunciation and meaning.