The test will only be a conversation between those two friends. But that is not all. Depending on the subject or the dialogue may come. Depending on the subject matter you have to decide how to write a dialogue.
Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Suppose a customer goes to a store. Will go to the store and exchange greetings with certainty.
After a pleasant exchange, if the shopkeeper asks for something, the shopkeeper will take the money from him in exchange for that thing.
There will be converted in the work. Presenting those conversations to the reader is a kind of dialogue. In this case, some information can be taken from real life.
Suppose you go to the store and go to the store, you must be fluent and have a proper conversation with the shopkeeper. You will be able to write dialogues only if you can convey
those conversations to the readers in short form and in elegant language. Today we will let you know through this post. How to communicate with a shopkeeper and customer.
This article is very important for you. Read the article and see the different types of dialogues with a customer and shopper if you want.
To create a dialogue of your own mind as an example from real life. However, if you have any problems, you can check out our website. If you follow these well.
Then you can get good marks in the exam. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that your language needs to be more relevant when writing dialogues.
Since talking to the customer and talking to the shopkeeper. So the customer and the shopkeeper have to address someone as you say. No rudeness should be allowed
and it should be avoided. You will first exchange greetings with him according to the salam or religious rites. Then you will continue to have normal conversations with the shopkeeper.
Then end the dialogue with him with a positive attitude after the conversation. Today we have informed you through this post. How do you get good marks in exams?
We are trying to figure out how to do well on the test. We have different expressions when we talk. When composing a dialogue, you have to give an expression in the first bracket.
Such as laughing, sighing, getting angry, etc. Give expression in at least four or five such dialogues. The movement and arrival and departure of the character
should be shown in the third bracket. However, it would be better if the third one creates another character while answering. For example, in a buyer-seller dialogue,
another buyer may be involved. The dialogue of the third character has to give only one. He will not play a major role at all. His arrival and departure
must be shown in parentheses. So friends, through this post I let you know how to write a dialogue. And about the rules of writing dialogue.