For various reasons, admission to any other educational institution is required with a transfer certificate from our educational institution. For example, due to change of work place of our parents
or posting area to another area, we need to get admission in another educational institution with TC or transfer certificate from our current educational institution. For which we have to write an application
form with our head teacher to get transfer certificate from our current educational institution. In today’s post we will discuss about the rules of writing that application.
So read the rest of this post carefully if you want to know about transfer certificate application or application writing rules. If you are a school, college or university student then the rules for writing transfer certificate are same.
You can write the certificate according to the following rules. Suppose you are a 7th standard student in a school. In that case you have to first mention along with, head teacher, school name, school address.
Application for transfer certificate should be mentioned next. Next to write Mr. Vineet Nivedon, I am a student of sixth or seventh class of your school or school. We have to move from Dhaka to Chittagong
or Rajshahi due to the change of my father or mother’s job place and as a result our entire family has to move to that place. Due to which I am not able to teach regularly in school.
So let the headmaster order to give me the transfer certificate from the school. Through which I can continue my regular studies by getting admission in any educational institution in Rajshahi or Chittagong.
Referring to this matter, at the end of all should write humble petitioner, your name, your class, roll number etc. You can submit the application form for your transfer certificate as per the above rules.
Transfer Certificate Application
If you want to write Transfer Certificate in English then a post about it has been published on our website. You can see it or a picture about it has been published on our website.
If you want, you can download it and get ideas or write it. How to write transfer certificate bangla has been published above. Moreover, the transfer certificate writing complete
one page or page format is published in our website image or PDF. You can view or download it if you want. You can write your transfer certificate according to the said format.
Check out other posts on our website to know about rules for writing different application forms. The application form has been published on our website.