18th NTRCA Preliminary & Written Exam Update News 2024 – Postponed/Stopped!

The preliminary test and the written test of 18th Teacher Registration Examination 2024 has been postponed. The 18th private registration exam was scheduled to be held on May 15. But authorities have postponed the test because of the coronavirus.

Do you want to know the updated news of 18th Teacher Registration Exam 2024 Preliminary Test and Written Exam? Then this post is for you. Because in this post we will discuss the issues related to the notice of the 18th Private Recruitment Examination.

Now we are going to discuss the latest notice of NTRC written test. By reading this post you will know the latest notice of 18th NTRCA Private Recruitment Exam.

18th NTRCA Exam Update Notice 2024

The preliminary and written examination routines of the 18th Private Teacher Registration were published. On March 10, the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) published the schedule. The schedule is published on NTRCA’s website. According to the published schedule, the preliminary examination for the registration of the 18th teacher will be held on 15th and 16th May.

The written test was to be held on August 6 and 7. The preliminary examination for school and school level-2 was to be held on Friday, May 15 and the preliminary examination for college-level was to be held on Saturday, May 16 from 10 am to 11 am.

And the written test of those who will pass the preliminary examination will be held on 6th and 7th August. The written test of school and school level 2 will be held from 9 am on Friday 6th August. And it was informed that the written test of college-level will be held from 9 am on Saturday 6th August.

18th NTRCA Notice on April 26, 2024

A new notice from the NTRCA authorities has been issued today. According to the notification, the upcoming written and preliminary examination of NTR CA has been postponed. The new date for the NTRCA exam will be announced later.

17th NTRCA Preliminary & Written Exam Update News 2020

18th NTRCA Exam 2024 keno hobe na?

Many of you want to know that 18th NTRCA Exam 2024 keno hobe na. The answer to their question is that we all know that all educational institutions are closed due to coronavirus. And lockdown is going on all over Bangladesh.

Therefore, the 18th NTRCA exam is not being held until the effects of coronavirus are lessened. Because the severity of this virus is very deadly.

18th NTRCA New Exam Date 2024

To be honest, the date of the new examination of the 18th NTRCA has not been fixed yet. However, the date of the test will be announced in a few days. Tests are closed due to coronavirus. So it is hoped that the coronavirus may be tested at the end of the epidemic.

We need to keep in touch with you to get regular updates on NTRCA exam dates. As soon as the date of the new test is announced, we will give the routine here.

18th NTRCA Exam 2024 kobe hobe?

Many examinees among you want to know that 18th NTRCA Exam 2024 kobe hobe? It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

This is because almost everyone knows it. The horrors of coronavirus are more or less known. Therefore, it can be said that this test can be done if the condition of coronavirus is normal.

18th NTRCA notun porikhar tarik 2024

The test data of the 18th NTRCA has not been announced yet. However, it is hoped that the test date will be announced soon. Bookmark our website to get the latest date of your exam. So that you can know the date of the test as soon as you get the latest update.

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