Banglalink Free Facebook, Messenger Offer 2024 Published Today

Today I will tell you how your Banglalink subscribers can use Facebook for free. Many of you are searching for information on this website and on Google.

So today we are going to present this information to you. You know that since 2014, any mobile operator could use Facebook. After 2018,

service was stopped by Bangladesh Mobile Operator Authority. But in 2024 he is going to launch the facility Banglalink all types of operators in Bangladesh. So friends, let us know more about this.

Banglalink Free Facebook 2024

You will be happy to know that those who do not have internet package in their phone. Or if there is no data, they can also send text using Facebook Messenger for special needs.

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is going to launch such a facility for mobile operators, for which Facebook Messenger app will be launched for communication only through text and BTRC will publish the guideline of data mobile data package.

Today we are going to present you with some information on how to use Facebook, we have mentioned some tips and tricks. If you follow these, you will understand how to use Facebook for free.

Banglalink free internet offer 2024

Today we will tell you how to run Banglalink for free Facebook. You will need to use certain codes for this purpose. If you specify these codes, you can use them.

Banglalink Free Facebook Code 2024

In addition, the current government can send text messages using Facebook Messenger in case of emergency. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission is going to introduce such a facility. You can use the internet and Facebook for free using We will present you the code related to other articles.

Today we will tell you how you can use Banglalink Free Net. So friends, let’s start today’s article without exaggerating. Because today’s article is going to be very informative for you.

Banglalink Free Messenger Code

You can use Free Facebook from 8am to 10am by dialing * 5000 * 111 # with Banglalink SIM. Besides, the government of Bangladesh is going to launch the facility of Facebook Messenger without any new data.

See: How to Use Free Messenger 2024

For this, you can send a text using Facebook Messenger in case of emergency. Facebook Messenger and Discover app will be launched for communication only through text. Many times its data does not have internet.

So that customers can send text without data. . For this, the operators have jointly introduced this facility. We will let you know through our website as soon as the details are published.

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