BRAC University Subject List 2025 (Science, Arts, Commerce), Cost, Tuition Fees

Those of you who want to get admission in BRAC University. Search internet to know about subject list of BRAC University. So I will discuss the detailed information in front of you through this post today.

Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end. Then you will understand. About BRAC University Admission Eligibility Cost and Tuition Key and Subject List

BRAC University admits Arts Commerce and Science students every year. Apart from Bachelor of Social Science, you have Mathematics, Economics, Computer Science,

Electronic Engineering, Bachelor of Mathematics, Bachelor of Pharmacy, and several other popular subjects. So let’s start the main discussion. Do you want to know about

various subject list of BRAC University? Through today’s post, I am going to show you the BRAC University Subject List and Tuition Fees. I will discuss the details about that.

The University of Brac was established in 1992. Which is currently the most popular university in the private sector. University total student government 11200 people.

There are 1161 students for post graduation here. Bachelor of Social Work, Physics, Architecture, Biotechnology, Business Administration, Economics, English, Science,

Computer Science, Electronics, Mathematics, Popular subjects include microbiology, pharmacy and physics. Besides, MBA, Biotechnology, English Governance and Development,

Economics, Production and Supply Management are popular subjects for post graduation. Hope you can do well after reading the subject. Many people ask what subjects are there

for commerce background students. BRAC University admission fee is 28 thousand taka. 39 thousand 600 taka semester fee eleven thousand taka. Library Membership 2000 taka.

The total cost will be eighty thousand 600 taka per year. Besides, for commerce background, there are very popular subjects including finance banking, accounting.

Apart from this, there are many subjects like Bengali, History. Hope friends you got to know detailed information through this post. If you need any more information. Visit our website to find out.

BRAC University Subject List 2025

Do you want to know about different subject list of universities? Through this question of today, I am informing you. If you want, you can know about this information sitting at home.

If you want to study in BRAC University. So which subjects are taught there and what is the admission eligibility of any subject? You will know that. BRAC University is a private university in Bangladesh.

Established in 2001 under the Private Universities Act 1992 as a wing of Fazle Hasan Abed’s BRAC organization. BRAC University education

programs are currently being conducted at the Mohakhali Temporary Campus in the capital Dhaka. Permanent campus is being constructed at Merul Badda.

By the end of 2025, all the educational programs of the university are scheduled to be shifted to the permanent campus. Hope friends have understood today’s article. I will discuss another topic in the next post.

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