Suppose, the test is that the seller to buy a book and he to write a conversation or dialogue between them. Then how do you imagine this? If you can understand that with your real life.
The dialogue can be really informative. Today we will show through this post what kind of conversation can take place between a seller and a buyer. Which market did you go to?
If you want to buy a book, ask the seller what kind of book you want to buy. In that case, you can say. By exchanging greetings with him you can discuss the matter
with the seller who is looking for this book. If this book is available then the seller will confirm it to you and bring it to you. You can find out the price of the book with him.
You can talk about it. You can talk about the quality of the book and finally, the price of the book can be discussed. If you pay close attention to this subject
and if these statements can be fully and eloquently conveyed to the reader. Then your dialogue with the reader will be successful. However, there can be different types of dialogue
between the seller and him. Suppose you want to buy a school book. Or if you want to buy a novel or a story book, the conversation may be different.
When it comes to buying school books, you know which book to buy. But in the case of the novel you don’t know any You like the novel very much and everyone will like it.
You can ask the shopkeeper about that. And discuss matters with him. I hope these statements are well presented to the reader. Then the reader will understand.
What kind of conversation can there be between a seller and a buyer? In this case, you must address him as you. Neither you nor you can use any language.
It must be avoided. Of course, regionalism cannot be brought. This should always be kept in mind. Whether face to face or indirectly. You will always speak in a common language.
Today we have explained through this post what a conversation can be like between a bookseller and a buyer. How was today’s article? Please let me know by commenting.
We are trying to give a detailed idea about the rules of dialogue writing. If you want to write a dialogue. Then you must choose the word between 180 and 200. Not more than that.
In this case, your symbolic name or speaker number one or speaker number two can be used. And if you want to get any information. There was a request to know by visiting the website.