(Solve) Jahangirnagar University I Unit Question Solution 2025

In today’s article, we will show you how to get the last year’s questions of Jahangirnagar University’s I Unit Admission Test. Solve them. So those of you who wanted to know this information in different places and websites.

You can know it through this article. Admission test of Jahangirnagar University is going to start from 11th November. So in these few days if you solve the questions of the past year of the admission test of Jahangirnagar University.

Then you will get good marks in the exam. Admission test of I unit of Jahangirnagar University will be held on 15th November 2025. So read the article to weld yourself as much as possible.

JU I Unit Question Solution 2025

As you may already know, this is a repeat of last year’s question from Jahangirnagar University. That means if you solve the questions of the last 10 years. Then you will get about 10% common from your questions.

So here is our article for you. We are solving the admission test questions from 2013-14 academic year to the latest 2020-21 academic year through this article. If you analyze and read the solutions well with your mind.

Then you will know the pattern of the question, the distribution of the question and the solution. We have analyzed and explained the solution to each question. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me today.

Jahangirnagar University i unit question pattern 2025

Jahangirnagar University has announced the date of admission test. The admission test of Jahangirnagar University will run from November 7 to November 18, 2025. The first year admission test of Jahangirnagar University will be held on 15th November.

Jahangirnagar University I Unit Question Solution 2025

It is a new unit of Jahangirnagar University here known as Bangabandhu Comparative Literature and Culture Institute. Bachelor’s degree will be given from this unit. The total number of seats here is 25.

13 for boys and 12 for girls. So if you want to read in these subjects. Then read the article from beginning to end. And solve last year’s questions.

JU I Unit Question Solve PDF Download

Today I will discuss in detail about the new institute (I Unit) launched at Jahangirnagar University. Let us know about the institute at the beginning.

Download: JU I Unit Question Solve 2025

The institute is named after Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, “Bangabandhu Comparative Literature and Culture Institute in English, Bangabandhu Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture and it is part of I unit.

However, a full course and syllabus of 100 marks on “Bangabandhu and Bangladesh” has been included. If you solve last year’s questions well. Then you can know about the pattern of the question. You can get good marks in the exam.

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