NLASO Admit Card 2025 Download Link & Exam Date

Today in our post we will discuss about National Legal Aid Service Organization or NLASO Job Circular. Those of you who want to know about the circular and also those of you who want to know

details about the application including the exam result and admit card, stay with this post. We will inform you about this in detail. NLASO publishes various job notifications every year on their official website.

And there are many job seekers who apply for jobs in NLASO according to their qualifications. NLASO published a circular on 3 September 2019 for the number of vacancies.

Those of you who are willing to apply for these posts can apply online. In the circulars given by NLASO on their website, how many posts will be recruited. Eg – Court Legal Aid Assistant.

The grade number of this post is 16 and only 1 manpower will be recruited for this post. The educational qualification to apply for this post is Higher Secondary or equivalent educational

qualification from a recognized educational board with minimum speed of 20 words per minute in Bengali and 20 words per minute in English related to computer use related to word processing data entry and typing etc.

Another post is Office Assistant Computer Numerologist. 3 manpower will be appointed for this post. Another post is Bench Assistant. 31 manpower will be appointed for the post of Bench Assistant.

Those of you who have applied for all these posts and want to download the admit card to participate in the examination can download the admit card by logging in the

user ID and password from the official teletalk website of the said ministry. If you forget your user id and password then you will not be able to download the admit card.

Those of you who have applied for the said posts and participated in the job test, if you want to see the result of the test, then you have to visit its official website.

Because they publish the exam result on their official website. In this case you have to visit their website and select the post for which you have participated in the exam.

Then you have to click on submit button. And by clicking on the submit button you can see a list of selected candidates and from there you can see whether you have been selected for that post.

Download: NLASO Admit Card 2025

Apart from the above posts, how many more posts will NLASO recruit manpower for? Eg Dispatch Rider, Issuer. If you want to apply for these posts then

you have to apply between 5th October to 15th October. And to apply you have to visit their application website

After entering the website click on the application form and provide the information mentioned there. After that you have to upload your signature and photograph

and submit the application fee through Teletalk Prepaid SMS. If you do not submit the application then your application will not be accepted.

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