(Link) www.nu.ac.bd admission result 2025 1st Merit [Published] Today at 4:00 PM

National University Admission Test Result will be released on 18 May 2025. Brother if you want then you can download your exam result easily by visiting our website now.

National University Admission Test Result will be available today at 4 pm through your mobile SMS and online after 9 pm. There are two methods to check National University

Result on our website. You can download your result first by adopting any method. Now we are going to publish www.nu.ac.bd admission result.

www.nu.ac.bd admission result 2025

So you should read our post carefully, download your result first. Compared to other years, this year a large number of students have participated in the honors admission test

under the National University, their admission test results will be released today afternoon. If you have been selected in the first merit list? However, admission confirmation

must be confirmed between 20th and 30th May 2025. The admission test will be held from June 1, 2025 for those students who confirm their admission confirmation.

national university admission result 2025

Since you are looking for National University Admission Result. So for your convenience, we have made this post today. So that you can easily download your result from here. With example, in this post,

www.nu.ac.bd admission result 2025

we will discuss the rules for downloading National University Admission Result online and through mobile SMS. So I can say that our post is very important for you. Currently, it is a very popular method to check

the result of National University Admission Test online. However, those who do not have internet connection on their mobile phones can check their admission test results through SMS on their mobile phones.

Www nu ac bd admission result 2025 1st year honors

The first merit list of the National University Admission Test will be released on May 18. So if you want to download this result first, then you have to follow the below instructions properly.

Download: www.nu.ac.bd admission result 2025 1st Year

First visit the website www.nu.ac.bd/admissions to check National University First Merit List Result. After that, you have to login with your admission test roll number. Finally, if you click on the result button,

your result will be downloaded. If you are selected in the first list, confirm your admission now. Then you will get your preferred subject in your preferred college according to your merit list.

www.nu.edu.bd admission result 1st merit list

Now we are going to publish www.nu.ac.bd admission result through mobile. So I will say that by following the instructions below, you can download your result through mobile right now.

The results of the National University Admission Test will be available today after 4 PM through mobile SMS. So write nu <space> roll number from the message option of your mobile and send it to 16222.

Since National University First Merit List published on our website. So I would say without delay you should download your result as image and PDF file now.

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