We who use Robi SIM. How to take emergency balance of Robi SIM. I want to know about that. Today we will show you through this post. Take emergency balance. Today’s article is definitely
going to be very important for you if you run out of balance due to an urgent need. Today in this post we will show you how to take emergency balance on your Robi SIM.
Robi emergency balance can be availed in very short time by dialing USSD code or using My Robi app. If you want to know how to take emergency balance of different amounts, keep an eye on our website.
I will show you through this post. How to take your instant emergency balance. All Robi prepaid customers can enjoy instant balance service starting from minimum ten taka to 100 taka.
For this you need to keep in mind first whether you are covered by this service. You can check if you are covered by this service by dialing *8#.
To get an instant balance you must dial a code 12 taka or above for loan 2 taka SMS notification charge is applicable. To get instant balance dial *123*007# *1# or *222# Check your instant balance.
Do you want to take emergency balance in Rabi. Then today’s article is going to be very important for you. Through this post, I will show you. How do you take emergency balance in Rabi?
Emergency balance is attempted in Robi. Robi SIM emergency balance code is *123*007#. By dialing this code you will get your Emergency Balance on Robi SIM. 10 to 100 taka is given in an emergency.
If you take twelve taka emergency balance Later two taka 67 paise will be deducted from your account i.e. 12 taka emergency balance will be deducted from your account on next recharge of 14.70 taka.
Hope friends have understood today’s article. I will discuss another topic in the next post. Today we will discuss in front of you through this post. How can you take emergency balance
up to 20 taka on robi sim. It is easiest to get emergency balance i.e. instant balance on Robi. The next time you recharge the equivalent amount of taka will be deducted from your account.
Emergency Balance Code *123*007# The code you dial to get emergency balance i.e. 123*007#. After dialing, Robi Company has given you emergency balance. You want to know how much taka emergency balance you
have received by dialing this code 1# or *222# you can know the amount of Robi emergency balance in a very short time. Hope friends understand. I will discuss some other topic in the next post. Stay tuned till the end.