SEIP Training Admission Circular 2025 PDF Download & Exam Date

Do you know that several institutions in Bangladesh are providing training opportunities to youths at separate government expense for employment? Today we will discuss in detail about Youth Development

Free Training Course through this post. Besides, I will discuss free computer training, youth development training, free driving training, duck rearing training, government computer training center etc.

Do you know that SEIP of Bangladesh is providing free training to unemployed youth. If you want to enroll in this course. Of course visit our website how to get admission completely free.

You can get detailed information about it. Currently, SAP is providing a free training. Each candidate will be given an allowance of Tk 10800 for training. 150 per day will be paid to the trainees

for three months during the course. How to apply your admission circulars. I will discuss the details about that. Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end.

Today’s article is about free training course notifications. Basically, this free training course is studied from various ministries, departments or departments of the government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

The government has been sanctioning various schemes from time to time to develop bright careers for the unemployed population. Now needless to say that not the government but many private

or semi-government institutions provide free training to unemployed youth Courses offered in Speech and Communication Technology, Construction Industry, Light, Engineering,

Shipbuilding Industry, Leather and Footwear Industry, Tourism and Hospitality: Agro Food Processing, Nursing Technology. 5,02,000 youth will be trained at government expense in more than 130 trades in 9 sectors.

Today we will reveal to you through this post that some kind of educational institution has arranged to provide free training to all the youth of Bangladesh.

You often search the internet about it. In view of which I have arranged today’s article. Currently offering language training and youth development training in addition to free driving training.

Training is provided in 9 sectors. Training in Merchandising, Mid-Level Supervisors, Apparel Merchandising, Oven Machine and Knit Machine Operation, Quality Control

Download: SEIP Training Admission Circular 2025

and Textile Testing, Fire Safety and Compliance, Weaving Technology and Knitting Technology in readymade garments and textile sector.

Do you know that now a day SEP is providing free training in a very short period of time. This includes teaching driving and other machinery work. If you have educational qualification and voter id card.

Then you can do the course in a very short time. The course duration and educational qualification varies depending on the subject. The duration of the course is minimum one month

and maximum six months. Age limit 16 to 40 years depending on course and subject. Admission Eligibility Graduate in Merchandising, Mid-Level Supervisor, Apparel Merchandising.

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