Today, through this registration, we would like to present to you the information of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, a reputed University of 360 Auliya, Sylhet.
You can read the article carefully and see the list of subjects of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology’s B unit admission test results section. Read the registration carefully. Take a look at the results of the Science and Technology University Admission Test and the subject list.
As you know, this time Shahjalal University admission test has been a bunch of procedures. University admission test has been in bunch system. Then friends, I will not talk more. Let’s see what subjects Shahjalal University of Science and Technology has.
SUST Subject List and Seats Number
The unit at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology has 595 seats under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. This unit is called the Faculty of Science and Technology. The B unit has 735 seats. Besides, there is another unit of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
The name of that unit is C unit. Under this unit there is Bachelor of Business Administration i.e. BBA subject. There is only one subject under this faculty. Its name is management and business administration.
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sust subject list a unit
Today those of you who want to know the information of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Admission Test and other information. I will try to inform you through registration.
As you know, Sylhet Shahjalal University of Science and Technology is located in the country of 360 Auliyas. This time Shahjalal University of Science and Technology admission test has been held in batch system. Through this registration, I am trying to present to you the admission notification in bunch system. If you read Shahjalal University of Science and Technology carefully read the article carefully.
Those of you who want to be admitted. Then GPA in SSC and HSC exams will be 4.00 out of 5. So friends, today we have informed the admission information of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology through registration. I hope you have no problem.
sust c unit subject list
Today we are trying to inform you the number of seats in the first year admission test of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology through this registration. You can find out this information by reading the article carefully.
This unit of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology has 65t seats in Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Public Administration, Social Science subjects.
In business administration, the answer is 65 in English, 65 in Bengali and five in Geography and Environment. Besides, there are 735 seats for science department of B unit and 100 seats for C unit.