This year’s SSC examination has been taken differently from other years. Changes have been made in the syllabus and human distribution. As the SSC examination is over, the admission process for class XI will start soon.
At present, the admission process for class XI is done online. As a result, there are many people who cannot do all these things online. Not aware of the processes.
In today’s post, we have discussed in detail about the admission system of class XI. If you pay close attention to the post, I can say that you can complete all the activities related to admission online.
Table of Contents
XI Class Admission System
Many do not know the system of payment for class XI admission. In today’s post, we have discussed about the payment system. You must have a Teletalk SIM to make the payment.
First, you have to go to the message option of the mobile and type CAD. Then you have to give the first three letters of the board that gave the test with space.
Then you have to enter the space again and type the test roll number. Finally, you have to write the year of the test with space and write the security code. An example illustrates the point CAD DHA 112323 2025 67839847. college list
I have to give another message later. First, you have to write CAD. Then you have to write YES with space. Then you have to give the PIN number with space.
XI Class Admission System 2025
Finally, you have to give the contact number used with space again. When the message is written, it should be sent to 16222. Such as CAD YES 2345 01998678929.
To view the migration results of Class XI admission application, first go to the official website of Class XI admission. The website is
xi class admission payment system
College admissions can be done easily through online. There are many of you who do not know about the rules and regulations of the college admission process online. If you read today’s post carefully, I hope you will be able to know about the process.
1. First you have to enter the official website of class XI admission. The website is –
2. Then click on the Apply Now option.
3. Then you have to fill in the required information. Care must be taken so that no information is incorrect.
4. Then click on the Next option to go to the next page. There you have to pick 5 to 10 colleges.
Finally, check the required information and click on Submit Application option. We hope that by following the above procedure you will be able to easily apply for Class XI admission. migration result
Then you have to click on the Result option. You have to give your exam roll number, board name, passing year and registration number correctly. Then you have to write the code of verification in the verification option.
You will be able to view migration results shortly. Hopefully, you can easily find out the results of migration through the post.