(দেখা যাচ্ছে) BTEB Admission Result 2025 [Merit & Waiting List] Published by www.btebadmission.gov.bd

Students who did not get a place in the first merit list of Polytechnic Diploma Admission Result 2025 are waiting for the second merit list. Your second merit list result will be published on the 2nd march, 2025, at 8 pm.

So if you didn’t get your name on the first merit list. Then you can see your result in the second merit list. However, if you do not get the college of your choice, you will have the opportunity to change your college by migration.

Those who will be selected in the second merit list must confirm the college. Remember that if you do not confirm the college within the stipulated time, your application will be rejected.

BTEB Admission Result 2025 Link

Students whose names do not appear in the first merit list and second merit list will have to wait for the third merit list. The results of the third merit list BTEB admission test will be published on September 17, 2025, at 8 pm.

If your name appears in the result of your BTEB admission test in the third merit list, then you must confirm the college you have chosen. Your application will be rejected if you do not confirm the college of your choice.

Students who will be selected in the third merit list will not be able to migrate to their college even if they do not get the college of their choice. So that college should read this to him.

polytechnic admission 2025 result

The college-based final results will be released on Sunday, September 2025, at 8:00 AM after completing all the above topics on time. Students who follow the steps above correctly.

Check: BTEB Admission Result 2025

All those students will have the opportunity to be admitted from 5 September to 22 September. The Board of Technical Education has published the admission notification of Polytechnic Diploma Engineering for the academic year 2025.

According to Diploma Engineering Admission Circular 2025, in Polytechnic Diploma Engineering Admission 2025, 53% of students will be admitted according to merit and 48% of students will be admitted in the quota fixed by the government.

Check bteb admission result 1st merit list

The quota fixed by the government is 20% for women, 15% for SSC (Vocational), 5% for children of freedom fighters/children, 5% for special students, 2% for children of employees of technical education boards/institutions

Download: BTEB Admission Result 2025

and 4 for Dhaka, Chittagong, Bangladesh Swedish Polytechnic and 4 In other institutions 2 seats will be allotted for small groups. However, no student has to take the admission test.

We all know Admission Circular for Polytechnic Diploma Admission. So take a look at the Polytechnic Diploma Admission Circular 2025 from below.

bteb admission result 2022 waiting list

If you want after the SSC exam, you can change your future life by enrolling in any diploma course under the Technical Education Board.

There are several technical education institutions at government and private levels. However, the course which costs tk 20,000 to tk 25,000

in a government institution costs at least tk 2 lakh to Tk 3 lakh to do in a private institution. Now there is no admission test in government institutions.

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