(Published) Degree 3rd Year Result 2025 Marksheet (Check NU Result)

Dear student, you are surely interested to know the results of the second year degree examination. Many of you want to know how the results of the degree third year exams. Many people do not know the matter.

That is how to know the results of the degree third year examination. But those who do not know, they have no problem. They will let you know how to view the results of the third year degree examination from our website.

I will present these to you in the form of screenshots. About 1,99,999 students participated in the degree third year examinations. A total of one lakh 27 thousand 190 people have passed.

Degree 3rd Year Result 2025 Marksheet

Accordingly the average pass rate is 69.60%. You can check the results from www.nu.ac.bd website or There is an advantage of not knowing the result through SMS. So how do you guys get this done?

You can find out more through this article. I hope you like it very much. As you know, the results of the 3rd year third year examination have been published on 9th February.

You can know the result information by sending SMS from any mobile operator. For this you need to send an SMS from every mobile operator. 2.50 will be deducted for each SMS.

national university degree 3rd year result 2025 session 2018-19

In this case, you have to have a minimum of three rupees in your account. Then each of you will be able to know all the information of the result through SMS. You will also find all the results from the website www.nu.ac.bd.

You can know the result along with the marksheet after 8 pm on the day of publication of your result. However, due to occasional server complications,

it is not possible to access the official website of the National University www.nu.ac.bd. Then you can download the alternative SMS and the PDF file of the result from our website.

how to check nu degree 3rd year result

You can also know the results of college by using the EIIN number of the college. Also, if you want, let us know by commenting on our website with roll number and registration number in the comment section.

Download: Degree 3rd Year Result 2025 Marksheet

We will give you all the information about the result. Dear student friends, today all the information of the National University has come before you. Read the article carefully from beginning to end.

As many of you know, the results of the third year degree examination under the National University were released on 9th February.

pdf download of degree final result 2025

One lakh 99 thousand 91 students have participated in this examination under the National University. Of these, one lakh 27 thousand 991 people have passed.

The average pass rate is 89.7 percent. You will receive all the information about the result via SMS after 4 pm on 9th February.

And after 8 pm you can download the copy of the result along with the marksheet through the website. For this, you must visit the website www.nu.ac.bd.

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