IDB Bhaban Off Day 2025 (idb bhaban open or closed today)

There is an IT shopping mall located in Agargaon, Dhaka. The name of those shopping malls is IDB Bhawan. Generally, various types of electronics products and mobile accessories including computers

and mobiles can be found in IDB Bhawan. Now you need to know about IDB Weekends. Now you know that the government of Bangladesh has divided your Dhaka city into seven.

IDB Building is located in Dhaka Region 6. The government has divided Dhaka into 7 parts. IDB buildings are closed all day on Sunday according to the region. Then Monday is closed for half a day.

It usually opens at 9:30 am and closes at 8 pm. So friends let’s know more details about it. It is completely closed only on Sundays because it is important to control the people

as the center of the technical market. A shopping center allows employees to take days off as appropriate. In addition, Monday is a half-day working day, resulting in shopping centers starting at 9:00 a.m.

and ending at 2:00 p.m. I hope friends through the post I will tell you when the IDB building in Dhaka is closed. I was able to give a detailed idea about that. There is a lot of information

available on the internet. But after deep research, we found the specific day of closure. This is from a reliable source. The shopping center opens at 10 am and closes at 8 pm.

The IDB building of Dhaka is located in zone 6 of Dhaka city and the government has divided the city of Dhaka into seven zones. This was done to facilitate the movement

of crowds towards shopping areas. According to that person, the IDB building is closed for the old days on Sundays and for half a day on Mondays. IDB Building is located in Agargaon.

It is known as the largest electronics market. The market has its zone of days. The movement of people in this area has to be controlled. Dhaka is known as the most populated area of the country.

IDB Bhaban Off Day

Moreover, Agargaon is famous as a capital among capitals. Hence, segmentation was done for shopping centers. And by department, Sunday has been decided as

a full holiday and Monday as a half holiday. The name of a popular shopping mall for buying electronic products, computers and mobile accessories is IDB Bhawan or Computer City.

Now you may wonder when IDB Bhawan or Computer City, located in the heart of Dhaka, is a weekend. So through this post, I will discuss before you. For your convenience, IDB Building is closed

on Sundays 15 days and Mondays till 2:30 PM. Besides, IDB building is open from 10 am to 8 pm every day. Hope friends you have understood all the questions. If you want to know more information.

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