Today we have arranged this article about a university 30 km away from Dhaka. Today we are trying to present Jahangirnagar University subject list information to you through this article.
You know Jahangirnagar University has separate seats for boys and girls. There are many units and sub units. I will present all the information through registration.
Jahangirnagar University Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Business Administration. Institute, Remote Sensing Institute, Information Technology Institute, Bangabandhu Sahitya Sanskriti.
Table of Contents
jahangirnagar university c unit subject list 2024
All the popular subjects that are under these institutes. I am trying to give you a list of them. Read from beginning to end then you will know everything.
Here we give you all the related details about the list of faculties of Jahangirnagar University. Admission test of Jahangirnagar University faculty is held every year. So everyone should know the subject list of all the units.
Jahangirnagar University faculty authorities have fixed all the dates of admission test. At the end of all the process, they will publish the subject list of Jahangirnagar University.
jahangirnagar university f unit subject list
The subject list of Jahangirnagar University is published below. For easy management of admission test of Jahangirnagar University, all subjects of Jahangirnagar University have been divided into 9 units.
Each unit of Jahangirnagar University participates in the admission test separately. Below we have now provided a list of all the subjects of Jahangirnagar University.
The subject of Unit A of Jahangirnagar University is related to the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Studies. A subject of unit A of Jahangirnagar University is complete 420.
Jahangirnagar University A unit Subject List
Of those 210 seats are for male college students and 210 for female students. The issues of this JU A unit are given below. Those of you who are students of the science department and want to study different engineering subjects.
Geological science
Environmental science
Computer Science and Engineering
You can apply at Jahangirnagar University E Unit. If you apply in this unit, you will be able to read the preferred subject of science department. Then I presented the subject list to be placed in front of you friends.
JU B Unit Subject List
Here is the list of B unit of Jahangirnagar University. Faculty of Social Sciences in Management. This unit has a total of 8 subjects. There are 340 seats in the subject list of B unit of Jahangirnagar University. All student seats of Jahangirnagar University have been divided equally for men and women. The issues of this JU A unit are given below.
Public administration
Government and politics
Geography and environment
Urban and regional planning
So friends, through this registration, what are the subjects in the unit of Jahangirnagar University? What is the number of seats? I gave you that information. Hopefully, you didn’t know any more information.