Green Life Hospital Doctor List, Appointment, Serial Number

Do you want to know the list of doctors of Green Life Hospital? Or do you want to see the mobile number of Green Life Hospital and the list of orthopedic doctors of this hospital?

If you want to know about all these then check our full post. Because here today we will discuss the list of doctors of Green Life Hospital. A very popular hospital in our country is Green Life Hospital.

This hospital has many experienced and expert doctors. Due to which Green Life Hospital is the preferred hospital of many people in our country. This hospital has many advanced facilities.

Through which various types of experiments are done. Also, Green Life Hospital provides medical services to patients in different parts of our country. Because there are many branches

of Green Life Hospital in different places in our country. Green Life Hospital has many specialist and experienced doctors. Many prefer to receive medical treatment from preferred doctors rather

than receiving medical treatment from hospitals. So here we will publish a list of Green Life Hospital doctors. Check the rest of our post to know about this. The doctors at Green Life Hospital are – Dr. Nusrat Haque, he is an oncologist.

Dr. Kamrul Hasan Milan is Cardiology, Thoracic, Vascular Specialist and Cardiac Surgeon. Also there is Professor AKM Razzak, he is a specialist in chest surgery or thoracic surgery.

Professor Dr. Sabina Hashem is a cardiology specialist. Dr. Naeem Hossain is a chest specialist. There is also Professor Dr. Sahana Akhter Rahman. He specializes in Neonatal, Adolescent, Pediatric and Pediatric Rheumatology.

To know more about the hospital visit the following link Many people want to contact Green Life Hospital to receive medical care from Green Life Hospital.

Many people want to contact Green Life Hospital to know more about the medical services of Green Life Hospital. And so we will publish the mobile number of Green Life Hospital here.

Green Life Hospital Doctor List

You can contact Green Life Hospital by calling this number. And the number is +8801618800088. Moreover their other number is +88029612345. Green Life Hospital has few orthopedic specialist doctors.

We will publish the names of those doctors here. Among those doctors, Dr. Md. Shahriar Rahman is Orthoplasty, Sports Injury Specialist, Assistant Professor Orthopedics and Dentistry.  Besides, there is Dr. Tanmoy Koiri,

he is an expert in Proma Surgery, Hand Surgery, Pediatric, Orthopedic Surgery. Prof. Dr. Monaim Hossain is an arthroplasty, arthroscopy specialist. In all other posts of our website, we have published the list

of doctors of Green Life Hospital and also the list of doctors in other hospitals. Also discussed in detail about the test prices of different hospitals. If you want to know more about all these things, then keep an eye on our other posts.

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