(ডাউনলোড) A dialogue between two friends about how to improve english.

At present most of the exams have to answer on the dialogue, especially in English. From the sixth to the twelfth grade, there is a dialogue for the students.

Many people find dialogue difficult. Dialogue is one of the easiest topics to explore in English. There are certain rules for writing dialogues. Writing a dialogue becomes easier

if you know the rules of writing a dialogue. There are many of you who do not know the rules of dialogue writing. Many do not know in what language to write the dialogue.

In today’s article we have discussed all these issues in detail. The first thing to keep in mind before writing a dialogue is what you are writing a dialogue on.

You need to discuss the topic on which you are writing the dialogue. The more accurately the dialogue is written, the more numbers are available. Most tests have 5 numbers assigned to the dialog.

In this case, the dialog must be of medium size. If the dialogue is too long then that can be a problem. Again, even if the dialogue is smaller, there is a possibility of getting less number.

Dialog must be a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 200 words. At the beginning of writing the dialogue, first you have to see in whom the dialogue should be written.

Then you have to understand and write the dialogue. You need to highlight the important aspects of the topic on which you are writing the dialogue.

In today’s article, we have a dialogue between two friends about improving English. This dialog is common to most tests. In many cases, students cannot write dialogues in exams.

So in today’s article the dialogue has been discussed. When writing dialogues, care must be taken so that the dialogue is in a normal and fluent language.

It is not necessary to use artificial language in the dialogue. No sacred language can be used in the dialogue. So the more the dialogue is written in simple language,

the more perfect it becomes. Care should be taken not to use irrelevant and complex language in the dialogue. The simpler the line of dialogue,

the easier it will be for the reader to understand the dialogue. If you read our today’s article carefully, there will be no problem in writing dialogue.

Moreover, it will be easier to get more numbers in the dialogue. If the dialogue is between two friends, then the names of the two people who are having the conversation must be mentioned.

The dialogue should start with courtesy language. In this case, the reader will be more interested in reading the dialogue. More you practice writing dialogues,

the better marks you will get in exams. Because the more you write, the more you get the idea of ​​writing. If you want to write a dialogue between two friends

about English improv, then first of all you have to mention courtesy. Then you have to highlight the important aspects of learning English.

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