Mouchak Market Off Day 2024 (Opening Days, Open Tomorrow, Open Today)

Mouchak Market is located in Malibagh, Dhaka. This Mouchak is very popular in the market. Because Mouchak Market is very old. Now you may be wondering when is the Mouchak market weekend.

Today we present you with this post when Mouchak market is closed. I will discuss about that. You know that Dhaka region has been divided into seven parts to reduce traffic congestion and save electricity.

It has been decided to close shopping malls, Bipani Bitan and other shops under these seven divisions. Now if you are located in Mouchak Market and Mouchak Markets are closed.

Want to know about it? Then today’s article is going to be very important for you. Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end and see when Mouchak market is closed.

This market is not open all days. Although it is open from 9 am to 10 pm, the market is closed for one full day and one financial day. Accordingly Dhaka Mouchak Market is closed all day on Tuesday

and half day on Wednesday. Bangladesh’s Mouchak Market is located in the capital Dhaka, a thriving market for decades. One of the oldest markets in the city like Gauchia Market.

Behind Mouchak Market is Central Point Market and other markets. Now if you want to go to Mouchak Market. You must know that this market is closed on Thursdays and Fridays for half an hour.

Hope friends have understood today’s article. I will discuss which topics through the next and post. Those of you who live around Mouchak area or Malibagh, Rajabazar, Rajarbagh, Moghbazar, Shantinagar.

People of these areas usually shop at Mouchak Market. Now you may be wondering when is the Mouchak market weekend. Today in this post I am going to share with you detailed information

about Mouchak Market Weekend. Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end. Mouchak Market in Dhaka City is a weekend holiday on Thursday.

Mouchak Market Off Day

Mouchak Market in Dhaka city falls under zone five. Shopping malls covered by region five are closed on Thursdays and half days on Fridays. So today through this post I am bringing to you that

the shopping malls in Mouchak Market and nearby areas are closed. Told about it. Many times you come to the Internet and find shopping malls in Mouchak Market closed.

Through this post, I will tell you when any markets in the capital are closed. I am discussing about that. The government has decided to close the markets of Dhaka city

for one day every week to reduce traffic congestion and save electricity. The market is open daily from 10 am to 10 pm and is closed on Thursdays and full days and half days on Fridays of every week.

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