The 7th March speech is a very important speech in the life of the Bengali nation. This speech was given by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Through his speech, he called upon
the people of East Bengal to jump into the freedom struggle. The March 7 speech is called a historic speech. We will publish here today a paragraph on the March 7 speech.
Also, we will discuss here the PDF of the speech paragraph of 7th March. Here we will also publish 8th class 7th march speech paragraph or paragraph. If you are interested in reading this paragraph, check our full post.
In 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered an 18-minute speech at the Race Course Maidan in Dhaka. Which is known as March 7 speech. More than two million people attended this speech.
And this speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman awakened the freedom consciousness in the hearts of Bengalis. The speech of 7 March 1971 was recognized by UNESCO as a historic speech.
When the forces of the Western invaders started brutally oppressing the Bengalis, ie the East Pakistanis, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave a speech to save himself or his country
from the oppression of these forces. And this speech gives courage to the heart of every Bengali. Through this speech, the Bengali people prepared themselves to achieve independence
and liberated their country after nine long months of bloody war with the Pakistani invaders. The Bengali nation will never forget the speech of 7th March.
Because through this speech, the full consciousness of achieving freedom is awakened and even the innocent Bengalis did not take up arms. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman uttered a sentence in this speech.
It is – “This struggle is our struggle for freedom, this struggle is our struggle for liberation”. And this sentence goes to the heart of every Bengali. This speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was politically,
socially, nationally significant and this speech has been translated into 22 different languages. The 7th March speech brought independence to the Bengalis.
UNESCO added the speech to the Memory of the World International Registry in 2017. Through this speech, the Bengali people got the courage to fight the invading forces of Pakistan
and they also managed to save Bengal from the exploitation of the rule of the Pakistani invading forces. There are many who want to read beautiful paragraphs about the 7th March speech.
For which they want to go to Google and see the PDF of the paragraphs of the 7th March speech. So we have published a PDF of a paragraph of the March 7 speech
on our website for your viewing convenience. You can download that pdf from our website and later read the paragraph from there. As this speech is very important for the Bengali nation,
paragraphs about it are taught to students of all levels of education in our country. Again, in many educational institutions, paragraphs with the March 7 speech appear in various exams.