Ibn Sina Hospital is one of the best hospitals in our country. Ibn Sina Hospital has many branches in different parts of our country. Similarly, there is a branch of Ibn Sina Hospital in Uttara.
Do you want to know the list of doctors of Ibn Sina Hospital, Uttara branch? or Do you want to know the contact number and list of dental doctors of Uttara Ibn Sina Hospital?
If you want to know or see all these things then read our post with full attention. By reading this post you can know all these things in detail. At present many good hospitals have been built in our country
and many high quality medical services are being provided in those hospitals. As a result, the demand of patients in hospitals is increasing a lot. Ibn Sina Hospital is very popular among the advanced hospitals of our country.
Ibn Sina Hospital is very popular so many people want to get medical treatment from here. There are specialist doctors in Ibn Sina Hospital, Uttara branch. Those who diagnose and treat patients very well and efficiently.
And among these doctors who are there is Dr. Muhammad Abul Khair, he is an expert in cardiology and medicine. Prof. Dr. MS Alam. He is a neonatologist and paediatrician.
Dr. Sarwar Hossain, he is a specialist in pediatrics and pediatric neurology. Dr. Romana Islam, is a specialist in Pediatrics, Neurology and Neurodevelopment. Dr Taniato Payal is a specialist in Diabetes,
Thyroid and Hormones. Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan Khan is an ENT specialist and head neck surgeon. There are many who want to receive medical services from the Uttara branch of Ibn Sina Hospital.
For which many people want to contact this hospital first to know about it. So we will publish here today the contact number of Ibn Sina Hospital, Uttara branch. Their contact numbers are- 8809610009612,
+8801841121416. By calling this number, you can contact this hospital and get detailed information about the hospital. Apart from the contact number of Ibn Sina Hospital,
on our website we have published the contact numbers and names of doctors of some other hospitals such as Popular Hospital, United Hospital and some better quality hospitals. Visit our website regularly for details on all these matters.
Dr. Farzana Anar is among the dental doctors at Ibn Sina Hospital’s Uttara branch. He is a conservative dentist and endodontics specialist. Dr. Fakhrul Hasan Roni is a Dental,
Oral and Maxillofacial Specialist, Surgeon. Dr. Israt Jahan Liza is an oral and dental surgery specialist. Apart from these doctors, there are some other dental doctors in Ibn Sina Hospital.