(দেখা যাচ্ছে) A dialogue between two friends about preparation for the examination.

A new subject has been included in the curriculum for study. This is called dialogue. A sample of how we talk to people face to face is in our school…

(দেখুন) Write a dialogue between a teacher and student on the importance of study.

A new topic has been added to the competitive exam. Which is called dialogue. You are asked to write in any of the ninth-tenth class examinations including the BCS examination.…

(এখানে দেখুন) Write a dialogue between two friends on a future plan of life.

Today, as always, we will tell you through this post how to write dialogue and the rules of writing a dialogue. You know that we constantly discuss different topics on…

(ক্লিক করুন) A dialogue between two friends about acquiring computer knowledge.

Today, most people spend time using computers. Computer help can be taken in any subject starting from studies. Today’s article will highlight the good and bad aspects of computer. Most…

Covid-19 Paragraph SSC, HSC, Class 9, 12, 7 (covid-19 paragraph in english 200 words pdf download)

By the end of 2020 we are faced with a new virus called Coronavirus or covid 19 Now you want to know what is the coronavirus and why the coronavirus…

Climate Change Paragraph for Class 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, HSC, SSC (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)

Today we will publish a paragraph on climate change in this post. Also, we will publish here climate change paragraph in simple language and a paragraph of 300 words. If…

Adolescence Paragraph for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, HSC (150, 250, 300 Words)

Man goes through many stages in his life and reaches old age. First of these is childhood. Then adolescence, then youth. Every human being has to go through these stages.…

About Bangladesh Paragraph for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, HSC, SSC (10 Lines, 5 Sentences)

In our various exams and job tests we are asked to write paragraphs about Bangladesh. What do you do then? There are several facts to know and procedures to follow…

(ডাউনলোড করুন) A short conversation between two friends. (Published) Here

Asked to write fictional dialogue in various job tests. How to write a dialogue to get a good number is discussed here. The old questions can be looked at in…

(ডাউনলোড) A dialogue between you and the book seller on buying a book.

Suppose, the test is that the seller to buy a book and he to write a conversation or dialogue between them. Then how do you imagine this? If you can…